Integrated Preparation Course
Towards a Master’s degree in Teaching French as a Foreign Language
This preparation course is conducted under the supervision of the Côte d'Azur University. Successful completion of this course guarantees admission to the first year of the university’s MSc Teaching French as a Foreign Language (Master FLE) degree.
To facilitate the admission of foreign students to the Côte d’Azur University’s Master’s degree in Teaching French as a Foreign Language. At the end of the preparation course, admission to the given Master’s degree is guaranteed and is automatic for all students who meet the academic requirements. No further application is required by the university. The objectives are as follows:
- pass the TCF level C1 certification in French
- introduction to teaching French a foreign language
- learn the methodology and expectations of French higher education system
- introduction to French and European culture
Please note: This Master’s degree qualifies students to teach French as a foreign language. This course may not be taken by individuals whose primary objective is to learn French.
SPECIALISED COURSES (taught by professors of the Faculty of Humanities and the Alliance Française)
These courses allow students to master the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for teaching the French language (see course program).
FRENCH LESSONS (taught by the Alliance Française)
Students are prepared for the TCF level C1 certification. Students stay at the Alliance Française student residence in Nice in order to be fully immersed in the French culture and language.
Join one of the 7 Universities
of Excellence in France (IDEX)
Intensive training: 1,000 hours of classes, spread over 40 weeks (800 hours of French language and civilisation + 200 hours of specialised courses relative to the Bachelor’s degree). In addition to these teaching hours, students admitted to this preparation course commit to undertake a minimum of 20 hours of additional personal work per week.
French culture & civilisation (14h)
- French geography
- The regions of France, specifically around the French Riviera
- Highlights of French History
- The institutions of the Fifth Republic
- France and its inhabitants
- The modern French citizen
- French literature
- French Media
- University in France: introduction and terminology
- Presentation skills
- Writing skills: Dissertation, summary, synthesis
- Files: presentation and content
- Internship: presentation and writing a report
FLE schools (10h)
- Operations and positions
- The official French Quallité FLE label
- The Alliance Française global network
- Recruitment and functions of a FLE teacher
- Language and intercultural differences
- Sharing experiences
Classroom practices (31h)
- The teaching sequence: structure and content
- Whiteboard usage
- The pedagogy of error
- Teaching oral expression: presentation and specificities
- Teaching written expression: presentation and specificities
- Teaching French grammar
CECRL (10h)
- The CECRL: introduction and evolution
- Assessing the various levels
- Tasks and their roles in teaching
- Competency descriptors
Classroom tools (22h)
- Analysis of various teaching methods
- Using a method in class (Cosmopolitan)
- The authentic document: place and functions
- ICT: digital tools and initiation to IPV
University methodology (15h)
- The history of methodologies
- The methodological approach
Learning (20h)
- Teaching learning strategies
- Students: profiles and difficulties encountered
- The roles of the teacher
- The teacher as a student
Francophonie (10h)
- French in the world
- The French language in your country: presentations
- A global institution
- Francophone literature
Assessment (20h)
- Recognised qualifications and the role of FEI
- Knowledge assessment in the classroom
French language (8h)
- Frequent grammatical errors
- Lexical difficulties
Phonetics (20h)
- The phonetic system: sounds and distinctive features
- Phonetic correction in the classroom
- Phonetic correction methods
Classes are taught in small groups (yearly average of 11 students, and never more than 19), according to the action-oriented communication method. At the Alliance Française de Nice, nearly 100% of students enrolled in our intensive programs progress from the level A1 to C1 in less than 12 months.
Graduation ceremony - Le Château, headquarters of the university - Enjoy a vibrant student life
This programme is accessible to students holding a Bachelor’s degree in French and aspire to become a French language teacher. In order to facilitate visa obtention, the university will issue a letter of conditional acceptance to the first year of its Master’s degree in Teaching French as a Foreign Language. The condition being passing this preparation course.
Admission is decided based upon the student’s application file. This file includes the following information: academic background, academic transcripts, CV and a B2+ TCF level in French validated by a score greater than or equal to 420.
- The classes mostly take place at the Alliance Française (2 rue de Paris), located just a 5 min walk from the train station and a 15 min walk from the beach.
- Students have access to all the services and facilities of the university campus (university library, digital work environment, sports facilities etc.)
- Obtain an overall academic average greater than or equal to 10/20
- Pass the TCF level C1 certification
- Less than 4 unjustified absences in class.
- Attend certain compulsory conferences organised by the Alliance Française
or 3.20€ per hour!
French University Ranking
The 7 Universities of Excellence (IDEX)
IDEX (University of Excellence) is a French government program created in 2010 to set up a group of elite French universities. Each university which obtains the IDEX label receives a grant of 500 million euro from the French government so that it can further develop itself and progress in international rankings. As of the 1st of January 2021, only 7 out of 75 French universities hold the prestigious IDEX label. 为了创建世界一流大学,法国政府于2019年启动“卓越大学计划”(IDEX)。入围该计划的联合院校,将直接获得由政府拨款5亿欧元的经费,鼓励学校全面提升策略,通过“重组强强联合“和海外合作,改进科研和教学质量,提高法国院校在国际竞争中的知名度。截止2022年1月1日,仅七所院校在七十五所公立大学里脱颖而出,成为“卓越大学计划”的成员。
Université Aix-Marseille
IDEX label awarded in 2012 and renewed in 2016
Université Bordeaux
IDEX label awarded in 2012 and renewed in 2016
Université Sorbonne
索邦大学 (巴黎)
IDEX label awarded in 2012 and renewed in 2016
Université de Strasbourg
IDEX label awarded in 2012 and renewed in 2016
Université Côte d’Azur
蔚蓝海岸大学 (尼斯)
IDEX label awarded in 2016 and renewed in 2021
Université Grenoble Alpes
IDEX label awarded in 2016 and renewed in 2021
Université de Lyon
IDEX label awarded in 2016 but lost in 2021
Université de Paris
IDEX label awarded in 2012 but lost in 2016
Université fédérale de Toulouse
IDEX label awarded in 2012 but lost in 2016
Frédérique VIDAL, President of the Côte d’Azur University from 2012 to 2017, has been Minister of Higher Education to President MACRON since 2017. She initiated and signed the partnership with the Alliance Française de Nice.
There are over 30,000 public universities in the world (and well over 50,000 if you include private universities). Only a select few make it into the world's top 1,000 ranking. 涉及全球超过3万多所公立院校(加上私立学校共超过5万所院校)进行排名,以下是入围2019泰晤士世界大学排名前1000名的中国院校和法国院校。
University 学校名称 | World Rank 世界排名 | |
Université Tsinghua (Pékin)清华大学 | 22 | |
Université de Pékin 北京大学 | 31 | |
Université Sorbonne (Paris) ★IDEX 索邦大学 | 73 | |
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Chine (Anhui) 中国科学技术大学 | 93 | |
Université du Zhejiang 浙江大学 | 101 | |
Université Fudan (Shanghai) 复旦大学 | 104 | |
Université de Nanjing (Jiangsu) 南京大学 | 134 | |
Université Shanghai Jiaotong上海交通大学 | 189 | |
Université Diderot (Paris 7)巴黎第七大学 | 194 | |
Université Sun Yat-Sen (Canton) 中山大学 | 301-350 | |
Université Paris-Sud 巴黎第十一大学 | 201-250 | |
Université de Montpellier 蒙彼利埃大学 | 301-350 | |
Université du Sud de Sciences et Technologies (Canton) 华南理工大学 | 301-350 | |
Université Aix-Marseille 艾克斯马赛大学 ★IDEX | 301-350 | |
Université Fédérale de Toulouse 图卢兹中联邦大学 | 301-350 | |
Université Grenoble-Alpes 格勒诺布尔大学 ★IDEX | 301-350 | |
Université de Wuhan 武汉大学 | 301-350 | |
Université de Versailles 凡尔赛大学 | 301-350 | |
Université Côte d’Azur 蔚蓝海岸大学(尼斯)★IDEX | 351-400 | |
Université Huazhong de Science et Technologies (Hubei) 华中科技大学 | 351-400 | |
Université de Nankai (Tianjing) 南开大学 | 351-400 | |
Université Tongji (Shanghai)同济大学 | 401-500 | |
Université de Lyon 里昂大学 ★IDEX | 401-450 | |
Université de Lille 里尔大学 | 401-500 | |
Université de Bordeaux 波尔多大学 ★IDEX | 401-450 | |
Science Po 巴黎政治学院 | 401-500 | |
Université de Strasbourg 斯特拉斯堡大学 ★IDEX | 401-500 | |
Université Beihang 北京航空航天大学 | 501-600 | |
Université Normal de l’Est (Shanghai) 华东师范大学 | 501-600 | |
Université du Hunan 湖南大学 | 501-600 | |
Université Panthéon Sorbonne 巴黎第一大学 | 501-600 | |
Université d’Information de Science et de Techno. de Nanjing 南京理工大学 | 501-600 | |
Université Renmin de Chine 中国人民大学 | 501-600 | |
Université du Shandong 山东大学 | 501-600 | |
Université Soochow (Jiangsu) 苏州大学 | 501-600 | |
Université du Sud Est (Jiangsu) 东南大学 | 501-600 | |
Université Tianjin 天津大学 | 501-600 | |
Université de Bourgogne 勃艮第大学 | 501-600 | |
Université Xiamen 厦门大学 | 501-600 | |
Université Jiaotong de Xian 西安交通大学 | 501-600 | |
Université Clermont Auvergne 克莱蒙费朗第一大学 | 601-800 | |
Université de Fuzhou 福州大学 | 601-800 | |
Université Agricole de Huazhong 华中农业大学 | 601-800 | |
Université Agricole de Nanjing 南京农业大学 | 601-800 | |
Umiversité de Technologie de Compiègne 贡比涅技术大学 | 601-800 | |
Université Médicale de Nanjing 南京医科大学 | 601-800 | |
Université Normale du Nord Est (Jilin) 东北师范大学 | 601-800 | |
Université Polytechniques du Nord Ouest (Shaanxi) 西北工业大学 | 601-800 | |
Université du Sichuan 四川大学 | 601-800 | |
Université de Shenzhen (Canton) 深圳大学 | 601-800 | |
Université Jiaotong de Pékin 北京交通大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Lorraine 洛林大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université Médicale de la Capitale (Pékin) 首都医科大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université des Géoscience de Wuhan 中国地质大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Cergy-Pontoise 塞尔吉-蓬图瓦兹大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université des mines de Pékin 中国矿业大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Normandie 诺曼底大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Chongqing 重庆大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université du Jiangsu 江苏大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Jilin 吉林大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Jinan 暨南大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Rennes 雷恩大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université du Nord Ouest (Shaanxi) 西北大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université du Nord Est (Liaoning) 东北大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université Océanique de Chine (Shangdong) 中国海洋大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Nantes 南特大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université de Shanghai 上海大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université Shantou (Canton) 汕头大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université Paris Nanterre 巴黎第十大学 | 801-1000 | |
Université Xidian (Shaanxi) 西电大学 | 801-1000 |
Why are some French universities highly ranked in the Times Higher Education Ranking yet do not hold the prestigious IDEX label from the French government?
The IDEX label is awarded solely based on the current level of the university. Various other university world rankings additionally take into account the reputation and recognition acquired throughout the university’s history (the oldest universities, which have a great number of Nobel Prizes for example, are often better ranked).